Conducted before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a research project led by AidData Director of Policy Analysis Samantha Custer, with the aid of William & Mary staff and students, answers critical questions about how the war…
Organized by NATO and William & Mary, the event will provide young participants with the opportunity to explore how NATO addresses challenges that the young generation sees as critical to their security.
Led by assistant professors Adwait Nadkarni and Oscar Chaparro, two award-winning projects will generate improvements in smart devices and software systems.
W&M's Virginia institute of Marine Science just released its annual Sea-Level Report Cards, which provide coastal communities around the U.S. with local projections of sea-level rise to 2050.
The U.S. Department of Energy has directed $35 million to a multi-institution investigation of quantum chromodynamics. And William & Mary's Kostas Orginos is one of the leaders.
William & Mary is exploring the possibility of establishing a new academic unit in computing and data science, Provost Peggy Agouris told members of the Board of Visitors on Thursday.