With grant funding, William & Mary is expanding its focus on virtual reality across disciplines to bring once distant realities right into the classroom.
Prosser and Frazier have both been selected for William & Mary's Values in Action Award, given to recipients who most embody the excellence of the university community.
W&M students deliver a high-profile exhibit of silkscreen prints about the life of Haitian Revolutionary Toussaint L'Ouverture created by acclaimed artist Jacob Lawrence.
The William & Mary chapter of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers won six awards at the 51st annual NOBCChE National Conference.
William & Mary has been a transformational leader in higher education for more than 300 years, innovating with excellence in teaching, research and career preparation.
William & Mary's Raymond A. Mason School of Business recently hosted the eighth annual Women's Stock Pitch in Miller Hall, transcending borders and celebrating women in finance.