Award-winning actor Glenn Close ’74, D.A. ’89, H.F. ’19 is returning to her alma mater for a series of special events during Homecoming & Reunion Weekend, Oct. 19-22.
The opening of the new Fine and Performing Arts Complex and major events during Homecoming & Reunion Weekend Oct. 19-22 will be among the fall’s highlights as the year kicks off.
Professor's research into the Little Rock Nine, and particularly Carlotta Walls LaNier, inspired choreography for a dance piece that grew into the multi-media performance "Nine."
Renovated and expanded Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall and the new Music Building, will serve both the campus and regional communities, coming to life in the university’s Arts Quarter.
Adriano Marinazzo, curator of special projects at the Muscarelle Museum of Art, recently made headlines across the art world for a new theory about Michelangelo and his famous work "The Creation of Adam."
In addition to those in formal leadership roles, all students involved have worked together in partnership with Director Laurie Wolf to shape the show’s direction.
William & Mary professor Emily Wilcox, an expert in Chinese dance, discusses her research and talks about curating an exhibit on the topic at the Williamsburg Regional Library.
Adriano Marinazzo, curator of special projects at the Muscarelle Museum of Art, was named the inaugural designer in residence and adjunct lecturer in the Department of Applied Science.
The William & Mary community celebrated the formal groundbreaking of The Martha Wren Briggs Center for the Visual Arts, which will house the expanded Muscarelle Museum of Art on the Williamsburg campus.
Upon their completion, the dance department will join theatre in the newly renovated Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall, and music will move into its own new building.
Her poster for the Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium focused on the power of spirituality and expressive arts to help Black college women navigate oppressive experiences.