For the more than 270 undergraduates who received 2024 Charles Center summer research grants, May through August is a period of profound discovery, personal mentorship, and meaningful connection.
In its final report, the American Anthropological Association’s Commission for the Ethical Treatment of Human Remains recently outlined principles and recommendations for the field.
Funded by a Department of Energy grant, the inaugural edition of the AI4Fusion summer school benefitted from the synergy between nuclear physicists and data scientists.
A team of researchers from William & Mary, Virginia Commonwealth University and the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services studied the potential benefits of integrating care for dually enrolled Medicare and Medicaid members.
This summer, 10 undergraduates will scatter across the globe to develop their research and artistic acumen thanks to the Louis E. Catron Grant for Artistic Development.
The projects will advance W&M's sustainability through academic research, educational opportunities, and improved technologies and operational systems.
A study led by William & Mary computer scientists investigates users’ trust and distrust in social media platforms in relation to their anti-misinformation strategies.
For her efforts to further gender equality around the world, Popham was awarded the prestigious Ruth Bader Ginsburg Memorial Scholarship by the New York State Bar Association on April 6.
In the last five years, five William & Mary students have been selected for James C. Gaither Junior Fellowships at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Emily Wilcox, associate professor of Chinese studies at William & Mary, has been selected to receive the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship in Dance Studies.
Several construction efforts currently underway across campus will revitalize the university’s living and learning facilities to meet future strategic needs.