Provost Peggy Agouris sent the following message to the campus community on July 23, 2024. – Ed.

Dear W&M community, 

I’m thrilled to share that William & Mary’s School of Computing, Data Sciences, and Physics was approved today by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). This approval represents an exciting milestone in a multi-year initiative to launch W&M’s first new school in over 50 years. I’m incredibly grateful to the steering committee and all of our talented faculty, staff and students who have been involved so far. Thank you for your ongoing insight and contributions throughout this process. 

This news marks a significant touchpoint in William & Mary’s Vision 2026 journey. As part of our charge to understand the current moment while seeing the possibilities ahead, the new school unites these dynamic fields to advance William & Mary’s distinctive excellence and cultivate bright futures for our graduates. I encourage you to read more about the new school at W&M News

As you know, the path to launching the school will continue throughout this academic year as we prepare to officially welcome students in Fall 2025. W&M remains committed to developing vibrant academic programs that elevate the experiences and growth opportunities for both faculty and students. I’m confident that as we celebrate the establishment of the School of Computing, Data Sciences, and Physics, we’ve taken another step toward our collective success.  

However you are spending your summer so far, I hope you enjoy the remaining weeks and look forward to seeing you around campus soon! 
