A summertime reorganization in William & Mary Student Affairs will help students quickly attain services focused on success in and outside the classroom.

Profile picture of Ginger Ambler
Ginger Ambler

Ginger Ambler ’88, Ph.D. ’06, senior vice president for Student Affairs and Public Safety, announced the changes earlier this summer.

Rather than launch a national search for a successor when the dean of students left the university, Ambler and her leadership team in Student Affairs re-evaluated the areas previously reporting to the dean’s office. They saw an opportunity to improve access to critical services, eliminating an administrative layer.

“The new structure brings me closer to the current Student Success team, improves pathways for students to frontline staff members who can partner with them and distributes the workload more equitably across the division,” she said. “Above all, this plan prioritizes student needs.”

The areas that had reported to the dean of students are now distinct units under Ambler’s leadership, organized by theme and served by refreshed web content to help students quickly find what they are looking for:

Profile picture of Wilmarie Rodriguez
Wilmarie Rodriguez
  • Student Success, led by Assistant Vice President Wilmarie Rodriguez, includes Academic Wellbeing (including free tutoring), Student Accessibility Services and Care Support Services.

    “This new model for Student Success will streamline students’ access to the high-quality and compassionate services within these areas,” Rodriguez said. “The goal is to focus on both academic and personal growth for each student we interact with. Our aim is to provide simplified avenues for students to the departments, professionals and services they need and that the process will be seamless for students.”
Profile picture of Greg Henderson
Greg Henderson
  • Community Values & Connection includes Student Accountability & Restorative Practices (formerly CVRP), Conflict Resolution & Peer Mediation, Gender-Based Violence Resources and Advocacy Services and Family Engagement (formerly Parent & Family Programs). Greg Henderson, associate vice president and chief of staff, leads this area.

    “I’m excited for the ways in which Community Values & Connection brings together key offices that reinforce the foundational values and relationships that form a strong campus community,” Henderson said. “Our goal is to promote a safe, inclusive and supportive environment for all. I’m thrilled to be leading this team dedicated to supporting our students and families.”
Profile picture of Anna Mroch
Anna Mroch
  • Planning, Strategy & Integrative Practices includes the Center for Student Diversity and the Office of First-Generation Student Engagement. Anna Mroch, assistant vice president and director of assessment, leads in this new and expanded area.

    “With this structure Student Affairs, and more specifically Planning, Strategy & Integrative Practices (PSI), will be able to enhance the ways we build relationships across campus, carefully design programming, and use data to inform our work,” Mroch said. “The PSI thematic area is also focused on advancing both Student Affairs’ strategic plan and W&M’s inclusive excellence goals. I’m excited to explore these opportunities and the ways in which the PSI thematic area can help create a climate on campus that is inclusive and welcoming to all students.”

The realignment has also allowed for increased investment in an additional position for Academic Wellbeing, the team within Student Success managing free tutoring, academic coaching, and student workshops on topics ranging from time management to study techniques.

The reorganization augments the other thematic areas already housed under Student Affairs. These include Campus Living, Health & Wellness and Student Engagement & Leadership.

Mike Patterson
Mike Patterson

While not part of the reorganization, Student Affairs this summer welcomed Mike Patterson to lead the Student Engagement & Leadership thematic area as associate vice president. The area includes student leadership, civic & community engagement, student unions and student veterans.

Patterson, most recently assistant vice president for student affairs at State University of New York at New Paltz, has more than 20 years of experience in the field and a deep connection to university values of integrity, flourishing and excellence.

“Dr. Patterson brings considerable expertise in the areas of student leadership development, civic engagement and belonging,” said Ginger Ambler, senior vice president for student affairs and public safety. “Dr. Patterson’s approach and philosophy are wholly consistent with ours at William & Mary. He, too, sees the university as a ‘laboratory for life’ where students explore and practice what they’re learning in a host of out-of-class settings that both support and challenge them. Our university is fortunate to welcome such a talented and caring student affairs leader.”

“Throughout all of this, top of mind has been the needs of our students today, as well as the team in Student Success and their considerable experience and skills,” Ambler said. “We’re excited to see the many ways this new model will enhance the student experience across the board.”

, University News & Media